Archive for the ‘Financing’ Category

20. July 2010

Ultra Low Budget Wedding

Just imagine: You spend almost no time and money on your wedding. It’s conducted in your living room. It’s over in less than a minute, including a reading from the Bible!

It can and has been done.

“Short, sweet, quick and fast” is how this ceremony begins.

It’s sooo refreshingly different, I just love it!

3. April 2009

Cool Wedding Video

Good videographers are far between.

But when good one shoots a cool bride and groom, the results are stunning!

(watch through all of it, the great stuff starts halfway through)

And let’s not forget the great editing!

24. March 2009

Saving on Weddings in a Recession

This is from the States, but what the heck: Things are looking good for marrying couples!