Top Honeymoon Destinations

So well, it’s out now!’s compiled a list of it’s most-searched-for honeymoon destinations. Any suprises?

Well, it depends on your demographic. I’d guess for this list, it was the US. Here’s what we’re looking at:

1. Mexico
2. Italy
3. Hawaii
4. Puerto Rico
5. France
6. Spain
7. Costa Rica
8. Greece
9. Paris
10. Bahamas

1,4,7 and 10 are clearly US favorites.

I’m not sure why Spain made it.

And Paris (9) is actually in France (5). Gosh, these Americans :-)!

Not a single country in Asia nor Africa made it.

The Maldives? SE Asia? Mauritius? Tahiti? Micronesia? So many cool Islands in the Caribbean? Cuba (dare I say this, hehe)

Here’s the link to the article.

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